CSC 134 The Internet of Things(IoT)

Assalamualaikum and Hi, for this entry would like to share one of subject in semester which is Computer And Information Processing. My lovely lecture is Sir Norafizal bin abd aziz.

This subject we learn about computer and use of the computer in our life.Besides to know everything component that everyone must know that have the use of it.Besides,we learn about the ethically and moral guideline to use the computer wisely.
Outline of this subject bring the mark 100% for the whole semester. The evaluations of the mark ae divide by 2
50% – course work that bring test , Assignment  and Lab exercise
50%– final exam
 So now we want to take one of  future technology issue in computer and information processing.
we would like choose IoT technology.

we learn about :
chapter 1 - Information technology, the internet and you
chapter 2 - The system unit
chapter 3 - input and output
chapter 4 - secondary storage
chapter 5 - system software
chapter 6 - basic application software
chapter 7 - the internet, the web, and electronic commerce
chapter 8 - communication and networks
chapter 9 - privacy, security and ethics

The Internet of Things(IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices,mechanical and digital machines , objects, animal or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over network without requiring  human-to-human or human to computer interaction.

Now days,we know that all most of the people like to communicate with each other with easy ways. So, we have a many application that created to people in this world such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter and others to communicate with using the Internet. IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, micro-electromechanical system, micro-services and the internet.
Do you agree with us,if this system have advantages and disadvantages?

Not over- populated yet
People forget talking on phone more
Heavenly hash tags
People do text and drive
Easily syndicated with other social
People post there opinion without researching about it.
No privacy concern
Privacy concern

Users see who broke a story
Has lots of spamming problem
Retweets helps spreading breaking news and stories
A lot of people try to obtain many followers by purchasing rogue software
Ability to get information out immediately
Always overload and you can’t use it for while
Connecting with subscribers
Many users can try scam you by sending you spammy tweets.

You can talk to your friend for by free writing
Cyber bullying
You can upload pictures and videos on your profile and tag people on it
Can stalk your account and get your personal information
Can communicate with many people at the same time
Teenagers are exposed to pornography
Can receive message when offline.
Can be life threatening sometimes


  1. it give me knowledge. thanks for post this! ! 🌸

    1. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

  2. wow so good i never thinking

    1. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

  3. Yes i agree with your post. Internet very important in our communication. Its also have their own disadvantages. People need use it wisely. Thanks for this☺

  4. Yes i agree with your post. Internet very important in our communication. Its also have their own disadvantages. People need use it wisely. Thanks for this☺

  5. Thanks for sharing this useful information.

    1. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

  6. Replies
    1. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

  7. Replies
    1. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

  8. Replies
    1. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Replies
    1. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

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  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I agree with you advantange and disadvantage of internet of technology...another facebook, instagram and twitter.... Other application like whatsapp is a internet of thing too..

  14. I agree with you advantange and disadvantage of internet of technology...another facebook, instagram and twitter.... Other application like whatsapp is a internet of thing too..

  15. Do you agree?? That iot is have their own advantage or disadvantage??

  16. simple but so much information

  17. Yes, I agree with your advantage and disadvantage. But this can waste our time if we always play that application.


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